How to import/convert avchd to Premiere Pro on MacOSX?
How to import/convert avchd to Premiere Pro on MacOSX?
Avchd to premiere pro converter for Mac is the best program to perform the conversion from AVCHD file to Premiere Pro supported format, please free download the Avchd to premiere pro converter, and run a free test. You'll find how easy it is to get the best quality and editable file format.
Among the best formats the AVCHD can be converted to on Mac OSX, Mpeg-2, MPEG-4, MPG, DV, AVI, HD MOV, WMV and are all great choices. The Mac AVCHD topremiere pro converter supports them all. The good news is that these formats can be easily recognized and imported by Adobe Premiere pro CS4, CS3 and Adobe Elements. Please feel free try download the program to your Mac coputer now.
AVCHD is pretty memory-consuming on you computer, whether it is for playback or edit, it will drag your computer slow and even restart. So you have to convert them to something more manageable.
And please convert AVCHD to non-divx .avi file like convert AVCHD to DV-AVI, convert AVCHD to MOV,convert AVCHD to MP4, convert AVCHD to WMV, etc.then edit away in Premiere and Encore,most NLE's are not equipped to edit files that are compressed as DivX and won't recognize them. Sony Vegas doesn't really like DivX clips either. The original concept of DivX was to be able to get enough compression and quality to enable a full movie to fit onto a standard CD (and most do) I don't think it was ever designed as a source file for editing.
Mac AVCHD to Premiere Pro converter can run on Snow Leopard, PowerPC (10.4-10.6 later)
Note: if you use Windows 7, Vista, Windows XP or 2000, please free download Premiere Pro Video converter for Windows.
Step 1: Free download Premiere Pro video Converter for Mac
Step 2: Load AVCHD(.m2ts) video file(s)
You can Load AVCHD(.m2ts) video file by two ways:
1. Drag-and-drop the video file(s) to the source file list area.
2. Go to menu bar, and select "File" menu, then choose "Add Video/Audio files" and navigate to the files you want to add.
Step 2: Set output format
you can choose from HD Mpeg-2, MPEG-4, MPG, HD DV, AVI, HD MOV, WMV and M4V in the profile list from the bottom to best convert AVCHD file to Adobe Premiere Pro CS4, CS3, Elements.
Step 3: Click "Start" and begin to convert your Videos or DVD files
When you are ready to convert avchd videos on Mac, Click the "Start" button to start conversion. This excellent Mac Premiere Pro Video Converter supports multi-threading and batch processing, which means you can convert video together in one go, bringing the fastest conversion speed ever.
Additional Steps:
Personalize your video (trim, crop, effects and add amazing watermark) on Mac
AVCHD topremiere pro for Mac offers powerful edit function to Mac users. Go to Edit Interface on Manu bar. You can then edit the video according to your needs.
If you want to cut part of the DVD video, click the "Crop" button, and you will see a frame in dashed line around the movie video; you can drag it to cut the part you want. Moreover, you can specify an area by setting the crop values. You can select an output aspect ratio and the available options are: Keep Original, full screen, 16:9, 4:3 letter box and pan scan.
If you want to capture certain period of the DVD movie, you can click "Trim" to customize the conversion time, you can select the time period you want by set the start time and the end time value.
Video Adjustments
You can click the "Video Adjustments" button and customize the brightness, saturation, contrast; volume, etc. You can even apply special effects such as "Gray", "Emboss", "Negative", "Black White", or "Old Film" by selecting an effect from drop-down list.
Aimersoft Total Media Converter for Mac allow you add your customized mark everywhere on your video, including images or text., after you select the "Watermark" button.
You can watch all your videos from the above source file list, and edit them individually.
Step3. Rip DVD or convert video to your Mobile Devices, including iPod, iPhone, iPad, PSP on Mac.
On the left of the drop down tree list, you could select the hardware first and then the formats which support the hardware, what you selected will show on right.
AVCHD topremiere pro Converter for Mac supports convert your videos or DVD files to several formats such as wmv, mkv, avi, mp4, mov, etc. which can play on your iPod, iPhone, iPad, PSP, Apple TV, etc.
Now the pogram gets the new output format for iLife, YouTube, and HD Videos, so you can easily get your Videos to YouTube.
You can make your customize setting about multi-threading and batch processing from "Perferences":
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